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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What happened to children's furniture II?

Please visit our web site: www.princesscanopybeds.com
The quitting the day job didn't happen overnight, and it hasn't been a cake walk either. In fact, many people who own their own companies attest to the fact that having your company is at best difficult and at worst impossible. Yet for Jo and I, it has been a series of lessons that are invaluable.

The challenges started when we couldn't find furniture out there that was like what we envisioned. Not to say that Bombay Kids, doesn't have some cool things available. However, at the time it seemed impossible to have the "princess bed room suite" available that didn't look cheap and gaudy.

We are happy to provide a cool alternative, to the typical girl's twin bed with dresser bedroom set. My daughter Miriam has the coolest bedroom, she is spoiled because she becomes the "guinea pig" to all our new prototypes. She has a revolving bedroom set every time my wife thinks up a new fabric choice for our bed line.

When we first started designing and building prototypes for our company. We started visiting furniture stores and department stores. I'm telling you, their is almost nothing interesting, and it seemed as if the designs were repetitive, and boring.

After a while of dead ends, I made an attempt to research children's furniture makers in our industry. The fact was that the Industry was wide opened because, the designs for kids furniture was a continuum of what was designed in the 70's with very little change. Designers just weren't paying attention to children's bedroom furniture. The Chinese weren't going to do it either, they lack the Western design element, and for the most part, they were busy turning out obsoleted children's bedrooms at Penny's to a dollar, which flooded the market.

However, In my research, I also discovered children's furniture Industry articles relating to a new crop of designers. Wouldn't you know it, those new designers were mom's and dad's, who were fed up with the lack of diversity in children's bedroom furniture! People like yours truly, who took it upon myself to make furniture in our garages.

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