Welcome to Princess Canopy Beds

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is Sping in the air?

Hello everybody,

I think that Spring has finally arrived, and for us here at Princess Canopy Beds, that is just great.  We have been dealing with winter storms, massive wind damage, and the overall gloom of winter months chilly days. As I look out my office window I can see new growth on the trees, grass, and bushes.  There's something about Spring that is exciting, the colors and warmth of new flowers, all these add to the build up of anticipation, knowing that the days are longer and sunnier. 

Here at Princess Canopy Beds we are running a massive sale. If you have always desired to purchase a bed, but felt a little strapped financially, then this is the time for you.  Just visit our web page at www.princesscanopybeds.com

We really anticipate like  Spring, that our company will experience new growth and a promise of a bright future...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The reason why Americans need to buy American

 With banks reeling on credit issues, Americas two front war, and the mortgage meltdown, its no great surprise that we must reevaluate how and where we spend our hard earned cash. 

Economist have been issuing warnings long before the crisis was fully felt in our pocketbooks.  The swan song has been primarily, that outsourcing to foreign countries will eventually blow up in our faces.  

To a capitalist mind, slicing significant cost on manufacturing goods is the sweetest melody one can entertain, especially if they are marked up significantly and sold at current US retail prices.

  Retrospectively however,  the investment of manufacturing that was initiated outside of the US was realized at the expense of future US interest.  Meaning-the" savings", of outsourcing were temporal compared to the "loss" of future growth in the US economy.  In this instance, growth means; keeping jobs in America, using American skilled labor, keeping American suppliers busy, etc... The list is endless when it comes to opportunities that could have , but have not been realized, because of the greediness of American capitalist.

Blaming the Chinese or any other foreign polity for our economic woes at this point is cowardly and irrelevant. The blame must be placed on ourselves both as manufacturers and consumers. 

Our mantra should be at this point, let us buy American...let us put back into the future of our children's children and secure for them a means to be financially secure...