Welcome to Princess Canopy Beds

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What makes a Princess Canopy Bed worth while.

We've been getting so much attention lately, notwithstanding its been caused by numerous factors. One factor is that we have been in business now for nine years solid, for many that is simply a milestone in itself.  We keep our philosophy simple: Make and sell the cutest princess themed canopy beds available for anyone who wishes to purchase them. We have sold thousands of beds to princess' all over the world and if you commit to buy a bed, you will receive your bed. That is our commitment to our valued customers. In other words, we love to make little girls happy and feel like real princesses.

Second factor, our beds offer new children's furniture technological advancements very few people are aware of. This is the least understood and unfortunately least spoken about aspect of our bed business. Princess Canopy Beds has given many hours of research, many hours of thought and engineering into the design of our canopy bed frame. We have gone through numerous phases in understanding which sub strata platform is best suited for our bed frames, and what is the best hardware for construction purposes and fit. Though it may "look" simple, there are about 29 specific plan details that go into producing one Princess Canopy Bed frame. Very few people outside of the manufacturing industry  know what it takes to produce a product for mass production. We at Princess canopy Beds have had to learn this process from the bottom up. Princess Canopy Beds has invested time and money into producing a bed that is manufactureable, safe, and that has aesthetic appeal.  Again we are in business to provide the very best quality at a reasonable price, without going outside of the United States of America to achieve it.

  Our Princess Canopy Beds are manufactured in the United States of America. We strongly believe that products made in the USA are better and should adhere to a higher standard. We believe that the World deserves a well made product that is produced in the USA.  This reasoning can, in the long run maintain our recognized manufacturing status abroad and in house. We could go to China and manufacture there and inadvertently reduce our prices as many, if not all manufactures are doing, but refuse to do so for many reasons already stated i.e, safety, quality and integrity.

Very few people know about the wood powder coating process. This is a huge factor in the manufacturing and quality of our Princess Canopy Beds. First of all, we are committed to the safekeeping of our environmental resources. We know that wood depletion is a real global issue. Which is why using substitutes or in our case wood byproducts, helps make recyclable wood material a "green" worth while alternative, while maintaining a balance in our global resources for future generations to enjoy.  We use HDF (High Density Fiberboard) a wood byproduct that is safe and engineered to be strong sub strata platform for manufacturing quality furniture goods. MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard)  has been  used as an alternative for real wood products for years. Most hospitals and restaurants use the real wood alternative MDF, for their furniture and cabinetry products. They last long and are cost efficient because of manufacturing ease and a low cost alternative to using real wood. However, up until the process of wood powder coating came along, manufacturing with MDF was limited to a three stage manufacturing process. That is cutting/shaping, painting/curing, edging/banding, depending on what tools are used and what paint is used, this process can take a while until the product was ready to package. With the advent of the wood powder coating process and CnC machinery to cut shapes, manufacturing cycle times are virtually cut in half, cutting down on overall manufacturing cost. The CnC cuts/routes multiple shapes in minuets and does so consistently and without errors. Once the shape has been routed from a CnC machine it then is powder coated. The wood powder coating process is always even, keeping the surface flawless at all times. Any powder discards are reusable, so there is virtually no waste and harm to the atmosphere making this process "green" too. Once the powder is shot onto the product it is oven baked at a high temperature. Hence, it is why we use HDF, the high density and low water/sap content in this wood byproduct, ensures an even, flawless finish every time as it can withstand high temperatures without warping the material.  In all, using CnC and wood powder coating process cuts down in the manufacturing time by eliminating edging/banding process all together, and there is no curing time for paint. Once the products come out of the oven they can immediately be placed in a package for order fulfillment. Our products are manufactured to be knock down or lay flat like Ikea with a European cam hardware system.
The finish on a wood powder coated material is virtually indestructible, in that you can take a hammer to the surface and it won't chip. Compared to the regular painting process, this is a huge benefit. One, it has less chances of being damaged while moving or transporting. Two, children wont be swallowing deteriorating paint ever. Wood powder coating contains no lead either so in terms of child safety it is a altogether a great benefit.

As I stated earlier, very few people know about the advantages of our product outside of it looking "spectacular" and "princessy" which in itself is very cool. But given that our products have been engineered to be green and safe for children there is no reason why our beds should not be coveted by princess' everywhere.

When we attended the  Plano Texas Universal Royalty Beauty Pageant in March of  2011, we were bewildered at the site of our target audience (little contestants) being so drawn to our bed. It was like eye candy to them, and they flocked to it in droves. We literally could not keep them off our bed. We loved it because it is a visual appealing bed for children. It has visual appeal that cannot be dismissed, we saw it with our own eyes and have pictures to show it!

Another wonderful development for Princess Canopy beds:  Eden Wood is the New Miss Princess Canopy Beds spokesperson.  This is also so cool, because we know she really wanted and loved our bed. Using this as an incentive, we offered her a complete Princess Canopy Beds package.  We are as well developing The Eden Wood Canopy Bed line which is sure to be "spectacular"! We are excited that TLC's Toddlers and Tiaras also plugged our Princess Canopy Bed during the Season four Premier The Ultimate Showdown.  This is now available on iTunes for download. If you have not seen it please make sure to watch.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Exciting News Toddlers & Tiaras and Princess Canopy Beds featured tonight!

Join us tonight for the season premier of TLC's Toddlers & Tiaras. This season opens up with top seated Eden Wood and Mckenzie, who go toe to toe in a battle of beauty, wits and determination to win "That Bed"!
That Bed, happens to be a very special bed that Princess Canopy Beds donated to Universal Royalty Beauty Pageants, as a Grand Supreme prize!

Being the sponsors of a hugely coveted bed was so exciting for us. We got to witness first hand, how much the little pageant stars were flocking to the Princess Canopy Bed on display in the foyer were all the little contestants were signing up. As soon as they entered the room the little darlings were coming up to the bed and getting in, when they found out that it would be the Grand prize the pressure was on. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

When you love me


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Eden Wood "I'm going to win that bed" Toddlers & Tiaras new Commercial

Watch exciting new TLC's Toddlers & Tiaras new comercial as Pageant sensation Eden Wood declare's

"I'm going to win that bed!"

TLC BRINGS BACK NEW SEASONS OF "TODDLERS & TIARAS" with www.princesscanopybeds.com
New Episodes Begin Wednesday, June 15 with a TODDLERS AND TIARAS Showdown
(New York, NY) - On Wednesday, June 15, TLC brings back the hit series TODDLERS AND TIARAS for a fourth season starting at 10pm ET/PT. With two of the fiercest competitors in TODDLERS AND TIARAS history, the season premiere promises to be the most intense one yet. It's the fan-favorite Universal Royalty Pageant, and this time it's a Totally 80's theme. This Texas pageant is going to be the Ultimate Showdown between the two most famous pageant girls - MaKenzie and Eden - as they compete for the coveted Ultimate Grand Supreme crown. At stake, a grand prize of a big princess pink canopy bed and $1000 in cash prizing. Five-year-old pageant personality MaKenzie and her mom Juana are back for more high glitz meltdowns, while MaKenzie is still as entertaining and unpredictable as ever. Meanwhile, six-year-old self-proclaimed "pageant superstar" Eden, along with her passionate pageant mom Mickie, talk about Eden's most recent accomplishments: a book, TV appearances, a mall tour and even a new album. TLC has ordered 18 hour-long episodes. Season 3 premieres averaged 1.4 million P2+ viewers.

Princess Canopy Beds presents Eden Wood

Proud to present Eden Wood and the Pageant girls TLC's Toddlers & Tiaras Please watch www.princesscanopybeds.com

Make an on-line slide show at www.OneTrueMedia.com
New Episodes Begin Wednesday, June 15 with a TODDLERS AND TIARAS Showdown
(New York, NY) - On Wednesday, June 15, TLC brings back the hit series TODDLERS AND TIARAS for a fourth season starting at 10pm ET/PT. With two of the fiercest competitors in TODDLERS AND TIARAS history, the season premiere promises to be the most intense one yet. It's the fan-favorite Universal Royalty Pageant, and this time it's a Totally 80's theme. This Texas pageant is going to be the Ultimate Showdown between the two most famous pageant girls - MaKenzie and Eden - as they compete for the coveted Ultimate Grand Supreme crown. At stake, a grand prize of a big princess pink canopy bed and $1000 in cash prizing. Five-year-old pageant personality MaKenzie and her mom Juana are back for more high glitz meltdowns, while MaKenzie is still as entertaining and unpredictable as ever. Meanwhile, six-year-old self-proclaimed "pageant superstar" Eden, along with her passionate pageant mom Mickie, talk about Eden's most recent accomplishments: a book, TV appearances, a mall tour and even a new album. TLC has ordered 18 hour-long episodes. Season 3 premieres averaged 1.4 million P2+ viewers.

Music: www.FirstLoveBand.com