www.princesscanopybeds.comMy company was interviewed by an Oregon Newspaper the
Bend BulletinThe article was in response to a friend who thought we should get some exposure by our company being showcased in the local paper. In the interview, the Interviewer raised a million dollar question about manufacturing in the USA,
How do we compete with the Chinese?After all, almost everything we buy in the USA is made in China. It's absurd, just how much is manufactured over there. The other day I bought my son a
MLB baseball with the Braves insignia on it, an
Official American baseball, for the Major Leagues. Well, in small letters the "Made in China" logo was printed on the ball. You can't escape the fact that we are an outsourcing country and almost all of our outsourcing form Chevy car parts to Major league baseballs are manufactured in China.
So, to ask the question how do you compete with China?, is a pertinent question for American manufacturers. As Americans we need to be realistic and truthful about our commitment to keeping jobs here in the USA, especially, when the bottom dollar is concerned. Is it feasible to have a commitment to the American dream of making a living here while prices skyrocket on everything from fuel to real estate?
My answer is YES, as long as we have an edge, and that edge is a
commitment to quality,
safety and
longevity in products that are made in the USA. Everyone has read of the gross neglect of safety regulations that the Chinese have perpetuated on goods that are brought into the USA for consumption. How lead in the paint of baby toys are common place. There are no strict manufacturing regulations in China hence sheer neglect is evident when millions of dollars of toys are recalled, because in China negligence is common place, but in America we care!