Our new add model Miss Eden Wood |
Princess Canopy Beds arrived in Dallas on Thursday very excited about the events that were to unfold. A few days prior we were looking at images of young pageant contestants. We happened to come across a very stunning little girl named Eden Wood who captured our attention and imagination. Princess Canopy Beds fell in love with her face and thought, "wouldn't it be great to have Eden Wood be the new face to represent our bed lines."
We set up our bed, and costume rack for the Universal Royalty Beauty Pageant, held at the Southfork Hotel in Plano, Texas. We were full of anticipation, as we had donated our bed to sponsor the winner of this coveted pageant and raffled off our costume rack to the lucky winner.
Mrs. Annette Hill , owner and founder of "Ultimate Royalty Beauty Pageants", was so excited about our new partnership as we are too. We came prepared and brought gift bags for the contestants filled with princess delights, ballons and prizes.
costume rack |
Our set up was perfect as we had great product placement. As the contestants arrived, they could see our bed in full view! When the girl's were told that our bed was the "Grand Prize" they were ecstatic! Each contestant headed straight to the bed upon arrival, we decided that it would be impossible to not let the girls play on the bed. As soon as they saw the bed, they immediately went to it and jumped right in. At one time during this melee there could have been at least 10 girls on the bed!
To say that our Princess Canopy bed was eye candy for these darling contestants would be an understatement. These seasoned veterans of beauty pageants were stunned to be confronted by so much princess power emanating from our princess Bed. To add fuel to the fire, unsuspecting moms were telling their little girls to," work hard" and "strut your stuff" so they could win the bed!
Belgian TV |
One little girl came in and said in her deep Texan drawl, "I'm going win that bed, momma"! It was too cute. Did we mention, that in all this pandemonium, three camera crews were also taping the Pageant! Toddlers and Tiaras, Belgium TV and Australian TV were there to film the whole thing!
Not only was it exciting for the beauty contestants but it was also very exciting and rewarding to us. As most business owners know, the daily grind of business ownership and task management is tedious to say the least. Being involved in this pageant was a way for us to experience first hand what our beds do to the little girls for whom they are intended for.
The results of the pageant has been overwhelming. The little beauty contestants worked so hard and gave it there all. This made for a very good show full of beauty, talent and Princess power. We were so impressed by the amount of work that goes into putting all of this together. Our cheers go to Annette Hill, all the contestants and their parents for making this experience worth while. Also we want to thank the staff at Southfork Hotel in Plano, Texas for all their behind the scenes, help and assistance that they provided, they are such good people.
At the end of the show, Princess Canopy Beds was able to speak to Miss Eden Wood and manager about the teaming together of Eden and our bed lines. It is official "Eden Wood" is the new cover Girl for our National and International Sales Campaign!
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